Professor George Baxter
I have a history of problems with my right knee following a lifetime of playing football, rugby , badminton, squash and running marathons (one knee arthroscopy 1994 for a torn meniscus and a second in 1999 for damage caused by a mis-tracking patella) . Since the second knee operation I have managed flair ups of pain and swelling by the usual methods, but in December 2013 I woke one morning in considerable pain following a game of squash the previous day. Over a few days this got worse such that I couldn’t walk properly. A visit to my GP followed and she agreed that I could have another torn meniscus. Waiting times for NHS treatment are about 4 months to consultation in my area (and then wait for a scan and a further wait for any operation ) and I was very keen to get help from an expert . Fortunately I have private health insurance through BUPA and I did some research and decided to visit Prof Jari. I very quickly got an appointment to see him and he diagnosed a torn meniscus to be confirmed by an MRI scan. I arranged this within a few days and very helpfully, Claire , Prof Jari’s practice manager , was able to provisionally book me in for surgery if the scan suggested I needed it. The scan confirmed the diagnosis and I had surgery within a few weeks at Oaklands in Salford. Prof. Jari was very helpful in explaining what would happen pre-op and the hospital stay was excellent , in and out in a few hours.
Post –op pain management and care was fantastic with a good mix of drugs, physiotherapy and a cooling pressure cuff.
After my previous two arthroscopies I had significant bleeding, bruising and swelling. This time my wife said she didn’t believe I had had surgery because all I had were a few small incisions! The acute pain in my knee was gone and much of the continual aching I had learned to live with too – Prof Jari having sorted the tear out and smoothed out my cartilage. I will always have an arthritic knee but this operation allowed me to manage this from a good start and hopefully with exercise and good sense I will not need a knee replacement. If I do however , I will not hesitate to come back to Prof. Jari – he is a very easy person to deal with, very straightforward and good humoured but, most of all , he has demonstrated the technical skill to sort my knee out which after all is what I wanted him to do !
The team around him are also excellent- BUPA were very easy to deal with and Claire was very efficient and helpful. All in all, as much as these things can be, it was a pleasant experience!
Professor George Baxter
Jane Barlow
First let me say thank you for your letter. Mr Jari, as I know him was wonderful. On my first meeting with him I found him to be very approachable and he made me feel so at ease, regarding the operation. He explained everything to me and answered all my questions, even if some of them might have not been relevant to what I was having done. On the day of my operation he came to make sure I was happy with what was going to be done. After the operation, he was there again, checking that I had been made as comfortable as possible. At my six weeks check up he noticed I was walking a lot better and I can say that I am now doing things that I have not be able to do in the last 10 years. I told Mr Jari he was my hero and I am looking forward to seeing him in July. I must state that he gave me a print out of exactly what he had done during my operation. I would just like to say thank you Mr Jari for your time and patience, it was really appreciated and I came away from the Oaklands Hospital very happy with the comments you had made. Good luck to you in the future and keep up your good work.
Jane Barlow
Sylvia McDowell
After suffering severe knee pain and mobility problems for several years I feel very fortunate to have had a consultation with Professor Jari.
From day one he showed great respect and understanding of my problem and his care was, without doubt, excellent.
I am pleased to say that after having a full knee replacement I am now enjoying a new lease of life. In no time at all I was out of pain and walking without any aids. I still do the exercises, as advised, and I am absolutely delighted with my progress since having the operation. I just wish I had consulted Professor Jari sooner.
So thank you Professor for giving the me a better quality of life.
Sylvia McDowell
Gillian Spencer
In November last year I needed surgery to repair a torn cartilage following a sporting injury. Since both my work and leisure involve being highly active it was vital that I find the best surgeon . My research led me to Mr Jari because everyone told me he was the best knee man around !! I was not in any way disappointed .At my first consultation Mr Jari put me at ease totally and has left me with the tiniest of tiny scars following the procedure despite there being plenty of wear and tear to sort out as well in my knee. Post operative I followed all his advice and that of his team and have returned to full range of movement and activity as before my injury. I would highly recommend Mr Jari to anyone requiring knee surgery
Gillian Spencer
Jennifer Massey
Professor Sanjiv Jari operated on my knee in Sept. I had already had one knee replacement some 10 years ago but the left knee was now so bad that walking was virtually impossible. Since the operation in Sept. I am now walking totally without pain, am cycling 4.5 kms every day and still doing the exercises twice a day. It has given me a new lease of life and I couldn’t feel better. As far as I am concerned it is a miracle although Prof. Jari said it was my hard work that did it. The feeling is mutual. Many thanks Prof.
Jennifer Massey
Deborah Barrett
I am so very happy with the outcome of the operation that Mr Jari performed. I was in so much pain in my right knee, caused by Arthritis.
I had my knee replacement in July, and I was up the next day, and on my way home by the third day. I was soon up and walking around with crutches, with no pain any more. Within days I was doing longer walks, and soon was without the crutches. I am now starting with Arthritis in the other knee and if it gets worse I will not hesitate to contact Mr Jari, to seek treatment. i will be recommending Mr Jari to anyone I know with knee problems. I am so thankful for the confidence and peace of mind he has given me, and I am pain free.
Deborah Barrett
Ian H McArthur
As a 61 year old who has had a worsening knee condition for 7 years or more, with decreasing mobility, it was decided by myself and Professor Jari that a total knee joint replacement would be in my best interests.
All risks and what benefits I could reasonably expect from the replacement were explained and I was booked in at the Spire Hospital at Whalley Range for the procedure by Professor Jari.
The whole process, from start to finish was as promised, with not one problem encountered. I was out of hospital and mobile in 3 days, albeit on crutches and now, 12 weeks on I am fully mobile with full flexibility and extension of the operated knee. I can walk comfortably, with more improvement to come, as my strength builds.
This operation has given me a new lease of life and has far exceeded my expectations, with very little pain, improving my quality of life no end.
As echoed by my Physiotherapist, a very fine piece of work by Professor Jari.
January 2014
Ian H McArthur
My name is Catherine and I’m 84 years of age.
On 15th December 2015 at The Oaklands Hospital Salford, Professor Jari performed surgery to replace my arthritic knee with a new tungsten joint. I had previously suffered for years with pain and had earlier had an arthroscopy on the same knee as well as pain killing injections for short term relief.
When I arrived at the Oakiands that morning, I was soon put at ease by the kind staff who prepared me for my operation.
I woke after the procedure and I was in bed and my leg was being gently exercised by a machine flexing it slowly to and fro, instantly improving the mobility of my new knee joint. I had no pain, just a little discomfort and I thought that I must have been given Morphine.
The physiotherapist came to see me the morning after my operation to begin my rehabilitation and he came again before I was discharged and explained to me which exercises I needed to do to help my recovery. He gave me a handbook with all the exercises in it. This little booklet was never far from me during the following days and weeks, I was aware that the exercises were very important, and I did my best to adhere to the programme as much as I could. My family made me rest and cared for me during the following couple of weeks and my pain relief was two paracetamol but only when necessary.
I was seen by the physiotherapist on the 26th January and he said I was doing very well and to keep up with my exercises, I was still using my crutches then. One month later I went to the physio again, using a stick this time, and was told that I did not need to go again. I went to see Professor Jari for the first time since the operation also on the 26th January, immediately after my first physiotherapy appointment and he was very satisfied with my progress and said he would see me again in six weeks time and to keep up with my exercises.
After another six weeks I returned and this time Professor Jari was delighted with my continued progress and how well my replacement knee had settled, he said I did not need to go to see him again. He also told me my leg would continue to improve over the next 12 months and to do some resistance exercises to help the improvement.
I would like to thank Professor Jari and his team at The Oaklands Hospital for their dedication to their profession and congratulate them on the success they have in helping fellow human beings, like me, to become pain free.
Thank you so much and long may your success continue.
June 2016
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