Pamela Hallworth
After many years of severe knee pain and unsuccessful physio treatments, in 2018 I was referred to Professor Jari for knee replacement surgery. At this point in time, I had great difficulty walking and felt like my independence was diminishing. On my first visit to see Professor Jari, he took great care in explaining my diagnosis, proposed surgery, and treatment plan. I immediately felt at ease and confident to proceed.
My surgery was scheduled at the Alexandra Hospital, Cheadle, where the support team organising the pre and post-operative appointments and admission provided me excellent support in completing documentation and answering my questions.
The transformative surgery from Professor Jari allowed me to regain my mobility and confidence. In 2022, I required another knee replacement and based on my previous positive experience, the only option was to engage Professor Jari. Once again, I had a very successful experience.
Pamela Hallworth, Stockport.
February 2023
Susan Butterworth
From my first consultation with Professor Jari, I was immediately put at ease. My treatment options and possible outcomes were fully explained. It was decided that the best course of treatment was to undergo MAKO robotic total knee replacement surgery. On the day of my operation, Professor Jari and the staff at the Alexandra hospital provided great assurance and helped to calm my nerves.
After surgery, my knee was on a machine that gently moved my knee to minimise the risk of my knee becoming seized. I was informed that only Professor Jari used this machine. Within a day of surgery, I was able to walk to the bathroom, surprising myself and the nurses. I was discharged after two days and the degree of bend in my knee was superior to when I was admitted. Within four weeks, I was back in the gym doing my classes whilst following the recommended exercise programme.
Follow-up appointments with Professor Jari were reassuring and any concerns I had were addressed in an easy to understand manner. I would not hesitate to recommend Professor Jari and would recommend the MAKO robotic total knee replacement surgery.
Susan Butterworth, Manchester.
February 2023
Leslie Parish
In March this year I had a full knee replacement with Professor Jari, and I cannot praise or thank the man enough. The results have far outweighed my expectations and I am now pain free have full movement and have been able to resume all activities (cycling, hiking and weight training) I participated in prior to the surgery. I can thoroughly recommend Professor Jari, his explanation of the procedure is concise, his direction for the post operation recovery is clear and to the point and any questions are answered in a pragmatic fashion.
Leslie Parish, Tyne and Wear
December 2022
Hazel Spring
Dear Professor Jari,
Thank you so much for your help on Thursday. I am eternally grateful. The steroid injection was a game changer for me. I have been able to sleep the last few nights without the excruciating "chain saw drilling my patella". I am now able to walk without a knee bandage and today managed to walk from halfway down School Lane up to Didsbury Village at a cracking pace! I am grateful for the respite, however long it lasts, and almost feel human (and awake!) again.
Many thanks to you and your team.
Hazel Spring, Surrey
August 2022
Carolyn Barker

Carolyn Barker, Derbyshire, April 2022
Fallon Kelly
Fantastic service from the lovely Stephanie who is a credit to prof Jari, nothing is too much trouble, professional service with fantastic patient liaison – if I could give more stars I would to her.
Fallon Kelly
Doug Dryden
4 months following a MAKO robotic-assisted total knee replacement in September 2021 I had reached the stage during Summer 2021 when I was in considerable pain with my knees, and I could only walk a very short distance. Having put surgery off over some years and after having had various minimal relief knee injections, I set about researching the medical options. The objective to find an experienced, well-recommended surgeon. During my research, the name that kept appearing consistently was that of Professor Sanjiv Jari. It also became very apparent that a knee surgeon assisted by robotics achieved much better results. Mako robotics is of course Professor Jari’s speciality. Then one of my friends got in touch to say he had heard I was looking for a knee surgeon and he had no hesitation in recommending a Professor Jari who had replaced his knee some time ago with excellent results. The decision was made.
After my first consultation with Professor Jari, I felt immediately relaxed and confident. It was very obvious that a great deal of skill, experience, and care was available for what is after all a major procedure. Comprehensive examinations and scans followed, which again fully demonstrated the absolute professionalism and attention to detail demanded by Professor Jari to ensure entirely positive outcomes. The hospital where my procedure was carried out was The Spire Manchester. The staff was all very efficient – helpful – and caring. It was also very apparent that without exception everyone had the greatest respect and admiration for Professor Jari and his skills as a surgeon. As a result of first-class surgery and robotic assistance, my recovery has been extremely rapid. Within a few weeks, my new knee works virtually as if it was a normal healthy knee.
Doug Dryden, Cheshire
Peter Gregory
Following several other consultations re problems relating to my left knee following a fall, I was eventually referred to Prof Jari by a friend. He recommended an n-STRIDE (stem cell) injection, rather than a replacement knee in the first instance. This was carried out at Wilmslow hospital and took less than two hours to complete. The whole process was conducted in a professional and friendly manner and to date, the results have been encouraging.
I have no hesitation in recommending Prof Jari for this type of procedure and am grateful for his recommendation as an alternative to knee replacement at this time.
Peter Gregory, Ormskirk
Stephen Ward
2 months following a MAKO robotic assisted total knee replacement I have been struggling with Osteoarthritis in my left knee for many years and finally decided to see a consultant to organise a knee replacement. Over the years I have had various injections to relieve the pain, but after a certain length of time, they no longer gave me the relief and therefore, the only option was to have knee surgery. I did quite a bit of research to find a top consultant and following this research, I decided to book an appointment with Professor Jari.
I arranged my appointment through Professor Jari’s secretary, Stephanie Snowball, who very kindly organised my appointment within a few days at the Alexandra Hospital consultancy Suite. Professor Jari arranged a CT scan whilst I was at the hospital and within few days, I had another appointment and the result was clear, I needed a full knee replacement operation. Professor Jari went through all my options and gave me all the information I needed to make a decision about all the different types of knee replacements available. Having considered all my options, I decided to go for what appears to be the best option available, which is the MAKO robotic assisted total Knee replacement. I was advised that this option is the most accurate, less intrusive, and potentially a quicker recovery time. The operation was carried out at the Spire Hospital in Manchester where they specialise in the MAKO Robotic Assisted Surgery.
On the day of my surgery, I checked into my room and before too long I was back from theatre and within a short recovery time was up and about walking with the aid of crutches. The following day, I was well enough to go home and therefore, only spent two days in hospital. I was told that most people can spend between 5-10 days in hospital following a standard knee replacement surgery. After four weeks I was driving as normal and no longer needed painkillers to relieve the pain. I have to be honest, the first four weeks can be difficult with managing your pain levels, especially at night when you are trying to get comfortable, but the time soon passes and I’m close to normal activity after just six weeks with just stiffness, rather than the pain I experienced during the first four weeks.
I have attended Spire for physiotherapy, which is an amazing set up with all the latest equipment to aid in your recovery. The physiotherapist performed various exercises on my knee, and one is to measure how far you can bend the knee. I was told that if I could bend my knee to 90 degrees after four weeks, that would be exceptional. My measurement was 105 degrees and after six weeks, it was 120 degrees. Therefore, I can say from experience, that the MAKO Robotic Assisted Surgery is certainly more accurate and less intrusive and does help with a quicker recovery time, I am delighted so far with my progress and can only speak highly of the manner in which Professor Jari set out the options and performed the surgery. I would also like to pay tribute to Stephanie, Professor Jari’s secretary who arranged my appointment and went through all the cost implications, along with booking me in to the hospital within a matter of a few weeks. Stephanie was a delight to deal with. In fact, all the nursing staff at the Spire Hospital, along with the physiotherapist, have been brilliant to deal with; I cannot speak highly enough about their care and attention.
If you are in need of a knee replacement, I would seriously consider the new MAKO Robotic Assisted Surgery performed by Professor Jari, and in my opinion, it is by far the best option when considering knee replacement surgery. I am delighted with my progress and especially the fact that the knee surgery has straightened my left leg, and I no longer have a bow leg in my left leg.
Stephen Ward, Lancashire
John McKellar
7 months following a total knee replacement I came to Professor Jari’s clinic with an arthritic knee having had the other knee replaced a year before. I was hoping to avoid a TKR, but following that consultation, it was obvious a full TKR was required. I appreciated the help, guidance, and clear explanation which I received (I’m a scientist, so I wanted to know a lot).
Knowing what’s involved is scary; but the professionalism of all the hospital staff from when I was admitted until I was out of the theatre meant I’d no particular concerns and the day went quickly.
Recovery is a long hard road, but from early on I realised there was no arthritic pain – just the new pain from the operation (which I knew would soon go away).
Post-op, I had some extra difficulties which might have been an infection or a clot – such things happen and there’s little way of telling who’ll get them. This meant that my first few weeks in recovery were very uncomfortable, but I never felt abandoned. I visited my local A&E department for a couple of ultrasounds and checks on my scar – in the end there was nothing terrible and the knee eventually decided to settle down. As the knee repairs, we feel all sorts of different transient pains – hot, sharp, tingling – but the good news is they represent healing and soon disappear.
Follow-up appointments have been short and reassuring and, in my case, full of success. I’m very pleased with both my new knees – the big difference is standing and walking, both key to a good quality of life. I’m back in the gym and building up strength and mobility.
Then if proof was needed of the success – I went to Scotland, Mull of Kintyre, to seek out family tree information and got lost along an overgrown path through ferns for about 100m and went scrambling across rocks at the seaside, remarkably all done without any problems from the knee.
John McKellar, Macclesfield.

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